DRC: Renewed Violence in Baraka, South Kivu

Renewed fighting erupted in the beginning of November in Baraka, South Kivu Province, in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. In Baraka, MSF is supporting a general hospital and treating tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and cholera, as well as running a nutrition project and providing reproductive health care. As MSF head of mission for South Kivu, Goedele Van Bavel, explains in this audio slide show, MSF is currently balancing whether to evacuate its operations in light of the recent developments.

Mothers wait with their babies to participate in regular post-natal care session at Baraka hospital, a state-run facility where MSF provides support.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
The central courtyard of Baraka hospital.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
This 17-year-old mother is malnourished and in her third week of treatment. Her baby is healthy.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
Looking into the hospital from outside, at night.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
Inside the tuberculosis ward.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
A staff member goes through the hospital files.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
MSF staff examines a patient in the malnutrition ward.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
MSF built a new cholera treatment center in July 2009. By the end of September, a cholera epidemic was declared for the whole of South Kivu.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
As this 20-year-old patient is about to deliver, the nurse listens to the baby’s heartbeat.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
Inside the malnutrition ward.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
Mothers attend a post-natal care session where babies are weighed and vaccinated, and mothers receive a check-up.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
A patient recovers just after giving birth.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
The laboratory at Baraka hospital is supported by MSF.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
This little girl was born prematurely and she and her mother have been at Baraka hospital for a week.
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke
DRC 2009 © Karijn Kakebeeke