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An MSF team on its way to deliver needed supplies in Chibuabuabua.

Mozambique 2019 © Giuseppe La Rosa/MSF


WEBCAST - MSF in action: Tackling the humanitarian challenges of 2019

An MSF team on its way to deliver needed supplies in Chibuabuabua.

Mozambique 2019 © Giuseppe La Rosa/MSF

December 11, 2019

6:30PM-7:30PM ET

Event type: Live online


Join Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for a special audience-led conversation with Avril Benoît, MSF-USA executive director, and Dr. Africa Stewart, MSF-USA board president and ob-gyn.

Have you wondered about the decisions behind the medical humanitarian activities of MSF over the past year? This is your chance to find out. Questions for our panelists can be submitted ahead of time while registering.

In New York? Join us for the live event.