Haiti: 500 Patients Treated in 24 Hours at Carrefour Hospital

Staff at a newly established hospital in Carrefour, in the southwest of the city, treated hundreds of patients on its first day of operation, while staff in other facilities continued to work around the clock. MSF teams also began conducting assessments of areas outside the capital that were hit hard by the earthquake.

MSF teams treated 500 patients in the first 24 hours of working in Carrefour. Here, a Haitian doctor, UK surgeon, and German nurse treat a patient with two broken legs.
© Julie Remy
A child treated at the MSF-run Carrefour hospital recovers in a quiet area after she is stabilized. In 24 hours the medical teams performed 90 critical surgery interventions, including amputations, and treatment for burns and fractures.
© Julie Remy
MSF staff treat injured people outside of Carrefour hospital. This district was one of the hardest hit in Port-au-Prince and access to it remains difficult.
© Julie Remy
Staff gather medical supplies at Carrefour hospital. Getting cargo, inlcuding medical supplies, into Port-au-Prince remains a challenge.
© Julie Remy
Medical teams at Choscal hospital and other MSF locations have been working 24 hours a day to meet surgery needs. The most serious cases are being prioritized at Choscal, including caesarean sections and amputations.
© Julie Remy
Patients recover under bednets in the burn ward of MSF's Martissant hospital. Staff have treated more than 1,000 patients at the Martissant hospital and 350 more at the nearby MSF coordination office.
© Julie Remy
MSF medical activites also continue at La Trinité trauma hospital and the rehabilitation center in the Pacot area of Port-au-Prince. Two operating theatres are up and running, one of them in a shipping container, and staff have performed about 25 mostly complicated surgeries per day since January 13. On January 17 a post-operative ward and triage area were set up in the street in front of the building.
© Julie Remy