Helping Mothers in DRC Avoid The Three Deadly Delays

Pau Miranda/MSF

According to the World Health Organization, 21,000 women died last year in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth: that’s one death every 25 minutes. More than 100,000 newborns (almost five percent of the country’s total) die at birth or just after. MSF works in South Kivu province, eastern DRC, to connect women with skilled care before, during, and after childbirth.



Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF
Access to health is extremely hard for a significant part of population in DRC. Health actors like MSF have to cope with various hurdles to bring assistance to mothers and their newborns.
Pau Miranda/MSF