A Visual Journey Through MSF's Programs in DRC

Brendan Bannon

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has suffered near back-to-back emergencies for decades. Political instability and violence have forced millions of people from their homes. Humanitarian crises and epidemics have followed, worsened by the lack of available health care and reliable infrastructure.

Operating on the basis of need alone, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides more emergency medical care in Democratic Republic of Congo than in any other country in the world. Year after year, as conditions on the ground have evolved, MSF doctors, nurses, and midwives adapt to the needs of their patients in order to alleviate as much suffering they can.

But there is only so much that MSF can do. For every child cured of malaria, every mother helped to safely deliver a healthy baby, every rape survivor cared for, and every victim of violence treated, there are many more people living in DRC who get no medical care whatsoever. Every day, we witness the suffering of our patients as a result of conflict, the absence of a functioning public health system, and a lack of adequate humanitarian assistance.

Find out more about MSF's work in DRC here.

Ruzizi River forms the border between DRC, Rwanda, and Burundi. MSF provides more emergency medical care in Democratic Republic of Congo than in any other country in the world.
Brendan Bannon
An amputee looks out over the mountainous landscape of North Kivu from the MSF hospital in Masisi.
Yasuyoshi Chiba
A militia fighter carries a rocket-propelled grenade past MSF vehicles on a rainy day in Kazinga, a village in the Masisi region of eastern DRC. Despite ongoing conflict, MSF successfully conducted a vaccination campaign across the rebel-controlled territory, through villages accessible only by foot.
Phil Moore
New arrivals at a camp for displaced people. Conflict in eastern DRC has forced millions from their homes and destabilized the country. For many, camps such as this that are meant to be temporary wind up turning into longer-term settlements. Some people have lived here for years, others have even been born here.
Giulio Di Sturco
MSF surgeons perform emergency surgery in Kimbi, south Kivu province, DRC.
Brendan Bannon
A sick man is helped to an MSF mobile clinic by family members in Masisi. The conflict-ridden region is very isolated, with very little medical care available nearby. MSF sends a mobile clinic to this community once a week.
Phil Moore
A mobile clinic travels to a remote community in North Kivu province by motorcycle. In some parts of DRC, road conditions are so bad that they are forced to travel by motorbike.
Jean-Pierre Amigo
When no roads are available, MSF will find other ways of delivering life-saving medical care. Here, a team travels by canoe to a village in Bandundu province.
Robin Meldrum
The majority of MSF’s staff in DRC is Congolese.
Robin Meldrum
Fisherman at the shoreline at Kinkondja, where there are regular outbreaks of malaria. DRC’s tropical climate, many lakes, and abundance of rivers contribute to the proliferation of mosquitoes that spread life-threatening diseases such as malaria.
Sandra Smiley
Muenge traveled 35 km (around 22 miles) to get treatment for her 1-month-old daughter who has a serious neonatal infection. Providing healthcare to mothers and children is a priority in all of MSF’s missions around the world: http://womenshealth.msf.org/.
Sam Phelps
A lack of reliable infrastructure makes delivering healthcare challenging in DRC. The health center here in Ngomashi is a 4-hour walk to the nearest road.
Phil Moore
MSF runs ambulatory services that help get patients the medical attention they need faster. Here, two MSF ambulance drivers refuel as they prepare to transport two patients with gunshot wounds to a hospital.
Phil Moore
A survivor of sexual violence visits the MSF clinic in Kitchanga, North Kivu province, for a consultation. MSF treats more survivors of sexual violence in DRC than in any country globally.
Giulio Di Sturco
HIV patients Jean-Pierre and Marie met each other at the MSF hospital in Kinshasa.
Peter Casaer
Early morning at the MSF hospital in Masisi.
Yasuyoshi Chiba