Working Through Disaster in Haiti

MSF staff try to meet the medical needs of huge numbers of severely injured patients, while patients try to cope with grim reality. Photographs by Ron Haviv were taken at MSF's damaged La Trinité trauma hospital in Port-au-Prince.

A girl injured during the January 12 earthquake in Port-au-Price recovers at the Doctors Without Borders/MSF temporary hospital, close to MSF’s damaged La Trinite trauma hospital.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An MSF nurse checks the pulse of a patient who later died.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An MSF aid worker speaks with a man who was trapped under the collapsed La Trinite hospital for four days.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An international rescue team pulls the 23-year-old man from the rubble.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An MSF doctor examines the newly rescued patient.
© Ron Haviv/VII
A young earthquake survivor rests after treatment at La Trinite. Medical staff are performing an average of 25 surgeries per day in two makeshift operating theatres there.
© Ron Haviv/VII
A mother comforts her daughter while she recovers outside with other injured children. A post-operative ward is set up in front of the damaged hospital building.
© Ron Haviv/VII
A girl whose wounds were treated at La Trinite hospital, where the overwhelming number of patients forced staff to prioritize the most serious and life-threatening injuries – multiple fractures, crush injuries, infected wounds, head and facial injuries.
© Ron Haviv/VII
MSF staff perform surgery in a makeshift operating theatre. More than 900 surgical operations have been carried out over a week and a half at MSF locations in Haiti.
© Ron Haviv/VII
MSF staff treat a wounded patient at La Trinite. After the earthquake, teams managed to salvage medical supplies from the pharmacy. But delays in receiving urgently needed materials, such as dialysis machines, have cost lives.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An MSF anesthesiologist and other staff treat a patient at La Trinite hospital. A top priority in the coming days for MSF will be to provide post-operative care for large numbers of patients.
© Ron Haviv/VII
An injured child receives medical care at La Trinite. More than 5,000 patients have been treated at MSF locations as of January 22.
© Ron Haviv/VII