Donor-advised funds (DAF) donations
How to make a gift through your donor-advised fund.
90% of our funding comes from individual donors. Learn how you can support MSF’s lifesaving care with a gift.
How to make a gift through your donor-advised fund.
DAF Day is this October 10th. This is a new kind of giving day dedicated to leveraging your donor-advised fund (DAF) or charitable giving account to make a profound impact with Doctors Without Borders. You can be a lifeline with the dollars you've already committed to charity by recommending a grant to MSF with your charitable sponsor, enabling MSF to respond to critical emergencies at a moment’s notice.
Read more about how to give on DAF Day below. If you have additional questions about DAF giving, fill out this form or reach out to us at
If you have an account at one of these popular charitable sponsors, grant today to our Federal EIN #13-3433452.
• American Endowment Foundation
• Ayco Charitable Foundation
• Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
• Jewish Communal Fund
• Morgan Stanley
• New York Community Trust
• National Philanthropic Trust
• Raymond James Charitable
If you cannot find your financial institution or charitable sponsor in the links above, please let us know:
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle like a charitable savings account. It provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to easily support MSF and other charities of your choice over time. Generally, you can invest cash and appreciated securities, as well as other assets that MSF may not be able to accept as a direct gift.
DAFs can be easily set up through your financial institution or a community foundation to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle. For more information on how to establish a DAF, contact your community foundation or financial advisor.
Note: Individual situations vary, so donors should consult their advisors.
Aside from giving a gift through donor-advised funds, there are many other ways to give and back the lifesaving efforts of MSF:
© Médecins Sans Frontières 2024 Federal tax ID#: 13-3433452
Unrestricted donations enable MSF to carry out our programs around the world. If we cannot honor a specific request, we will reallocate your donation to where the needs are greatest.
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© Médecins Sans Frontières 2024 Federal tax ID#: 13-3433452
Unrestricted donations enable MSF to carry out our programs around the world. If we cannot honor a specific request, we will reallocate your donation to where the needs are greatest.
Your gift helps us provide medical humanitarian aid for hundreds of thousands of people each year.
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We need your support to continue this lifesaving work.