NEW YORK/JERUSALEM, October 30, 2024 — The Israeli Knesset’s ban on UNRWA operations represents a devastating blow to Palestinians, further jeopardizing their survival in Gaza and greatly impacting communities in the West Bank, said Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières.
UNRWA is the largest health provider in Gaza, with over half of Gazans relying on it for essential health care services, including for the treatment of chronic diseases, displacement-related conditions, maternal and child heath, and vaccinations. Each day, UNRWA’s health teams provide over 15,000 consultations in the Gaza Strip. The ban of its activities threatens to create a vast gap in services within an already largely destroyed health system in Gaza—directly and indirectly endangering the lives of Palestinians.
“UNRWA is a lifeline for Palestinians,” said Christopher Lockyear, MSF’s secretary general. “If implemented, the ban on UNRWA’s activities would have catastrophic implications on the dire humanitarian situation of Palestinians living in Gaza, as well as in the West Bank—now and for generations to come. We strongly condemn this decision, which is the culmination of a long-running campaign against the organization.”
The newly voted legislation will make it almost impossible for UNRWA to work in Gaza or the West Bank. Coordination with Israeli authorities will be impeded and entrance permits to either of the occupied territories will be denied, essentially blocking delivery of UNRWA aid into and within Gaza. UNRWA handles almost all the distribution of UN aid coming into the Strip. This vote adds to the endless physical and bureaucratic impediments imposed by Israel to limit the amount of aid reaching Gaza, and contradicts Israel's claims that it is facilitating humanitarian assistance into the Strip.

Earlier this month, the US sent a letter to Israel demanding they take steps to improve the humanitarian situation within 30 days, and not adopt this legislation. As the leading provider of military and financial support to Israel, the US has an obligation to assess if the conduct of the war is consistent with international and US laws designed to protect civilians and to apply the appropriate legal procedures.
“After a full year of death, destruction, and deprivation in Gaza, Israel is moving to make it impossible for the largest humanitarian actor to deliver assistance and services amid the most severe humanitarian crisis Palestinians have ever endured,” said Avril Benoît, chief executive officer of MSF USA. “The Israeli parliament’s passage of legislation banning UNRWA is shocking in its cruelty. This ban would suffocate the humanitarian response in Gaza and cut off people's access to basic services in the West Bank. In the face of this blatant criminalization of humanitarian aid, the US government yet again offers only weak warnings while maintaining its support for a war without rules and for the continued collective punishment of civilians.”
The impact of UNRWA’s ban will extend beyond Gaza. Critical services, including refugee camp management, health services, education, and social programs across the West Bank are also at risk of destabilization under this legislation. These bills set a grave precedent for other conflict situations where governments may wish to eliminate an inconvenient United Nations presence.