West Bank: Clashes, Raids, Arrests Worsen Mental Health Issues Among MSF Patients

Anna Surinyach/MSF

Israel's ongoing military operations in Gaza were preceded by several weeks of raids and arrests by Israeli forces in the West Bank in response to the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers. And though Gaza is the center of attention at present, for obvious reasons, the raids are ongoing in the West Bank as well. Hundreds of violent incursions and arrests have been carried out, resulting in a number of deaths and injuries, and bringing about a further deterioration in people's mental health.

While supporting Gaza's Al Shifa hospital and running its own projects to the extent possible amidst the widespread bombing of the territory, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) mental health teams have also provided psychological support to 1,146 people in Hebron and the surrounding areas between mid-June and mid-July. Anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic problems, and feelings of harassment are the most common problems experienced by patients.

Amal is an MSF patient living to the south of Hebron. Her house was raided several times by Israeli forces in the crackdown following the kidnapping of three settler teens on June 12. They arrested two of her sons. One of them was injured.
Anna Surinyach/MSF
Randa lives in a settlement in Hebron. She has relatives in Gaza and spends the whole day watching TV and worrying about them.
Anna Surinyach/MSF
Israeli forces demolished several houses in this area to the south of Hebron saying the inhabitants had no right to build there. They had been living there for several years but the demolition order came in the backdrop of the crackdown following the kidnapping of three teen settlers in Hebron.
Anna Surinyach/MSF
Jamal was shot at the rib cage during a clash between Israeli forces and Palestinian demonstrators in Hebron.
Anna Surinyach/MSF
"We got bullets in the house. My pregnant wife and my kids had to leave," says Muhammad Nasser, an MSF patient in Al Aroub, a refugee camp in the outskirts of Hebron.
Anna Surinyach/MSF
Amal is an MSF patient living to the south of Hebron. Her house was raided several times by Israeli forces in the crackdown following the kidnapping of three settler teens on June 12. They arrested two of her sons. One of them was injured.
Anna Surinyach/MSF